How did you first break into the industry?
I went to film school at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. After I graduated in 2002, I decided to stick around and focus my time and energy on making short films, while working part-time at a television studio. I just kept making shorts with whatever technology we could get our hands on. This led to working with a lot of the same talented crew based out of the Kansas City area. Eventually, I started showing the short films at various film festivals such as Shriekfest and the New York City Horror Film Festival. This pushed me towards making several feature films that included, "Nailbiter", "Arbor Demon" aka (Enclosure), a family feature titled "Belong To Us" and eventually "I Am Lisa".
Who/What inspires you as a director?
I really enjoy listening to director commentaries or watching documentaries on the making of classic films. I just recently watched Leap of Faith, which is about the making of The Exorcist. I love reading about the similar struggles that filmmakers have had and the determination needed to make their movies. If I had to pick some of my favorite directors, I'd have to say Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter and Wes Craven. Their films inspired me to be a filmmaker at a very young age.
What was your best set moment on ‘Fused’?
Ha! It's hard to pick one. There were a lot of great moments. I think watching Sarah transform into the dark version of herself. I just let her swing for the fences in a couple shots where she is 'turning' in front of the bathroom mirror. She did some terrific contortions with her body and really sold the agonizing change her character was going through.
What sort of person is going to love this short?
I would say that people who enjoy 'psychological horror' will enjoy it the most. I also think that it has a bit of Giallo style mixed with Brian De Palma, so fans of that kind of story will find something to love.
What advice would you give aspiring directors?
I always tell aspiring filmmakers to just get out there and make something. The tools are right at your fingertips now. However, it's important to tell a good story. I also stress over and over the importance of recording good audio. You can shoot the most beautiful image and if the story and sound are terrible, then no one will connect with it. Also find people you really enjoy working with on your crew.
Where can we find more of your work?
My 2012 feature film "Nailbiter" is on Itunes, Vudu, Amazon, Google Play, Fandango. My 2017 feature, "Arbor Demon" (Enclosure) is on Redbox On Demand, Epix, Itunes, Amazon, Tubi, etc. My new film "I Am Lisa" will be released in January on VOD and DVD. My short films are kind of available all over the place. I have a 2009 short film titled "Do Not Disturb" which is part of "The Invoking 2" anthology available on Amazon, Itunes, etc. I would say follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more updates on where to see the films. My latest short film "Spiritual Practice" will be screening as part of this year's New York City Horror Film Festival in December.
